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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 17,976 The Epic Story Continues

Day 17,856 marked the day I started my blog.  Today, day 17,976 marks 120 days into the rest of my life. I have lost 16 pounds since my recommitment to myself and the rest of my life.  I have lost 1 pound for every 7.5 days. 

My twitter friend @Lose4Good has lost 45.4 lbs since Jan 29, and she said "slow and steady is okay with me."  She is Speedy Gonzales compared to me.  She takes only 6 days on average to lose the same pound it takes me to lose in 7.5 days.  She and I have bonded via twitter, and her successes are my successes.  I am very proud of her and happy for her every time she hits a milestone or just passes up the evil vending machine.

You may have noticed that I like numbers. . . I plan to be a middle school math teacher when I grow up, which will occur in May when I graduate with my Bachelor's in education.  I find comfort in figuring the averages of my fitness minutes over a period of time . . . I know I am a bit strange, but at my age, I am very gratefully okay with being a bit strange.

I have to lose 4 more pounds to get back to where I was a year ago.  Then it is off to the races.  My goal is to lose an additional 40 pounds by my May graduation.  According to I have 189 days to reach my goal, which means I must increase my effort by 50%.  I need to lose 1.48 pounds every 7 days to reach my goal.  I believe this is doable, because you cannot imagine how motivated I am.

Wish me luck, Godspeed, blessings on my efforts, strength to do the hard work, and clarity of vision and purpose.

Word/s of the Day:  FORGE AHEAD

vb (intr)
1. to move at a steady and persevering pace
2. to increase speed; spurt