A couple of weeks ago, I set the goal of exercising for 500 minutes per week, which translates into 8.33 hours per week. By the end of that week, I adjusted that goal to 420 minutes per week, which translates into 7 hours per week. Twelve days in I knew I was going to have to adjust again.
On day 16 I knew if I kept a goal that I consistently could not reach I would hate myself and probably eat to punish myself. Knowledge is power.
I have now reset my goal to exercising an "average" of 300 minutes per week which translates into 5 hours per week or an average of 42.86 minutes per day.
The key word is "average." I can do less than or more than 300 on any given week, and still meet my goal. THIS GOAL IS DOABLE!!!
I am just excited that I have matured enough to see the forest for the trees. Instead of complete abandonment of the exercise goal, I have regrouped, reassessed, and tweaked the plan. I am so smart!
You know why I just said that, don't you? Because that is what I would have said (You are SO smart!) to someone else who had accomplished a comparable task. I am very good at patting other people on the back, but not so good at treating myself with the same amount of love and respect.
I am on track with my new goal. If I have a bad couple of days, I can give myself a break. The system has a built-in fail safe. I was up late studying for a quiz the other night and legitimately needed to sleep an extra 30 minutes the next morning, but I can make up that time over the next week or two. I am so excited!
Word of the day: DOABLE!