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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How Much Water Should I Drink To Lose Weight?

Love hearing from Avril Carpenter who lives in New Zealand.  I, vicariously, enjoy the world through people like her. She posted an article on her web site this week that I enjoyed reading.

Here is my response to her article:

I agree wholeheartedly with your statement that, "You’ve got to listen to what your body tells you."  We are taught to eat and drink this and that at this time and that time without any regard for our individual unique body and system.  There are general rules that are always true for everyone such as "the body needs nutrition", but we are out of touch with listening to our true thirst or hunger pains for a signal that it is time to drink or eat.

For me, I have found that my weight loss efforts do need more water intake.  Maybe this is because my "system" is sluggish.  I can go for hours and hours without going to the bathroom, whereas, my normal weight husband goes at least once an hour.  This has to mean something.  But I have also noticed that sometimes I think I become water logged - the weight is stuck - and if I lay off the water for half a day, my body readjusts, and I suddenly drop an extra pound of real weight.  My observations are personal and unscientific, but they are true for me.

I, also, believe that just because I seem to need more water most of the time, that this is not true for everyone.  I believe the same thing about vitamin supplements - not everyone may need them, but I do.

Word for the day:  LISTEN

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